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Museum Staff

Museum Staff

The National Balloon Museum is operated entirely by volunteers.  This offers many unique experiences for those who wish to volunteer or who need to fulfill a volunteer requirement.  Our volunteer experiences are available year round and on both weekends and weekdays.  Training is offered for all of our volunteers.  Some examples of the opportunities are as follows:

Special Events
National Balloon Classic
Hall of Fame Ceremony

Museum Greeting
Tour Guides
Audio/Video Technician
Grounds Maintenance
Gift Shop
Data Entry

If you are unable to volunteer at the museum due to distance or physical limitations, we do have opportunities that can be performed off site (from home).

To volunteer or for questions about volunteering and hours please contact Becky Wigeland at the numbers below.

Curator: Becky Wigeland

Office: 515-961-3714


Board Of Directors:

Eric Martens, President – Indianola, Iowa
Dennis Anderson, Vice President – Ankeny, Iowa

Dan Bertsch – Indianola, Iowa
Ken Walter – Waukesha, Wisconsin
Janna Heater – Indianola, Iowa
Brian Bennett – Agency, Iowa
Holly Dommer – Des Moines, Iowa
Kendra Minks – Des Moines, Iowa
Christine Bertsch – Indianola, Iowa

Representatives to the Board:

Becky Wigeland, Museum Curator – Indianola, Iowa
Denise Day, BFA Representative